Year 11 Information
On this page you will find documents to support Year 11 as follows:
- A blank revision timetable – this will be really helpful at Easter.
- A blank calendar which students can use for the exam dates – they have been given their examination timetables already by their tutor.
- Revision skills and Preparation for Examinations PowerPoint – there is a link on right-hand side which will take you to it. There are audio clips on each page which help explain and reinforce the topics.
Please see below video's from staff with advice on Revision Skills:
Revision_Time Management Skills
Revision Skills_How to test yourself
Revision Skills_Taking Control
Revision Skills_Stress Busting
If you have any questions or if your child needs some one-to-one support on revision skills/exam preparation then please contact Michael Lewis, Deputy Headteacher at or your child's Form Tutor.