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St Wilfrid's Catholic School

Results Release Dates - Summer 2024

A-Levels & Level 3 BTEC
Thursday 15 August
GCSE & Level 2 BTEC
Thursday 22 August

Year 13 and Year 11 students are invited to come into school to collect their Statement of Results on these dates. Details of the timings and other important information about what to do on Results Day will be communicated to you closer to the time.

If you are not able to come into school to collect your results on the date above please contact the Exams Officer at to make alternative arrangements.

Students in other year groups, who have taken re-sits or a community language, will be emailed their results.

Enquiries about Results (Post Results Services)

If you are concerned about your results and think there may have been a mistake you can ask us to submit a request to the Exam Board to:

  • Check that your marks have been added-up correctly
  • Review their marking of your paper to ensure it is fair and accurate.

There are three possible outcomes from a clerical re-check or review of marking: 

  • Your original mark is lowered, so your final grade may be lower than the original grade you received.
  • Your original mark is confirmed as correct, so there is no change to your grade.
  • Your original mark is raised, so your final grade may be higher than the original grade you received.

Therefore, we will only advise this course of action in certain circumstances such as:

  • If your mark is very close to the top of the grade boundary.
  • If your grade is preventing you from taking the next step in your education. For example if you have not met your university offer or if you are unable to take the subject for A-Level.

You must sign a candidate consent form saying that you understand what the possible outcomes may be and that you give your consent for the clerical re-check or review of marking to be submitted.

If you think there may have been a mistake with your grade contact the Exams Officer as quickly as possible.


Certificates for the Summer exam series will be ready for collection by the end of December. You will be contacted closer to the time with details of when and where this will take place.

We are only required to retain certificates for 1 year after results are published.

If we no longer have your certificates you will have to order new ones from the Awarding Bodies at a cost of approximately £45 each.

If you do need to order replacement certificates the following information will help you with your request:

Centre Number: 65209

Centre Name: St Wilfrid’s Catholic School

Awarding Body Links: