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St Wilfrid's Catholic School

One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” 

Frank Smith

Subject Leader:                      Ms L Hall

Deputy Subject Leader:       Mrs Zeidler

MFL Teachers:                        Miss Donnelly, Mrs Greenwood, Ms McGuiness & Miss Thomas

MFL Website:                         Modern Foreign Languages

Instagram:                              StWilfridsMFL



Key Stage 3

Year 7
All students study French and Spanish, except a group selected for additional English support, for 3 lessons each per fortnight.  Students are taught in form groups, all following the scheme of work based upon Dynamo 1 and Viva 1.  Students are also supplied with a vocab/grammar book and are offered a subscription to online course resources for the duration of their language study at St Wilfrid’s.

At the end of year 7, students are allocated a language to study to carry on to Year 8.

Year 8

Students study either French or Spanish for 6 lessons per fortnight.  Students are taught in language groups following the scheme of work based upon Dynamo 2 or Viva 2.  Students are also supplied with a vocab/grammar book and continue to access online course resources.

Year 9

Students of French have 6 lessons per fortnight.  Students follow the scheme of work based upon Dynamo 3 rouge/vert.  Students are also supplied with a vocab/grammar book and continue to use online course resources.

Students of Spanish have 6 lessons per fortnight.  Students are set into ability groups all following the scheme of work based upon Viva 3 rojo/verde.  Students are also supplied with a vocab/grammar book and continue to use online course resources.

In the second half of the summer term, students begin the GCSE course using the AQA course materials an online resources.

In the second half of the summer term, students are placed into their GCSE groups and begin the GCSE course.


Key Stage 4

Students follow the AQA GCSE French/Spanish Specification.    The scheme of work uses AQA approved textbooks along with a variety of other resources.  Additional resources include Activteach in both languages, Kerboodle for AQA in both languages, vocab/grammar booklets, AQA Revision Workbook (provided to all students in term 1 of year 11), Seneca (at no cost), and other online resources.


Key Stage 5

A Level
The A Level courses in French and Spanish course build upon the skills developed at GCSE and is developing further the students’ ability to communicate confidently, clearly and effectively in Spanish.  Students are also developing their understanding of the spoken and written forms of Spanish from a variety of sources including prose, poetry, newspapers, television, film and the internet.  The course is taught via the themes of Family Relationships, Internet, Charity Work, National Heritage, Music, Cinema and Literature.  These themes focus on issues in Spanish speaking countries or French speaking countries, allowing students to develop their knowledge of the countries where the languages are spoken. 

In Year 12, students also study a film from a country where the language is spoken.  A Level Spanish students study ‘El Laberinto del Fauno’ and A Level French students study ‘Au Revoir les Enfants’.  In Year 13 students study works of literature in the language studied.  A Level Spanish students study ‘Como Agua para Chocolate’ and A Level French students study ‘L’Etranger’.