Our SOTW W/c 02/11

Our stellar students of the week this week are:
Alan of 8DF whose Year Leader comments, "Alan has made a really positive start to his time at St Wilfrid's. He has settled well and his teachers are impressed with his efforts."

Thomas of 9JD whose Year Leader comments, "Thomas has an excellent attitude to learning and achieving lots of positive points. He has had a fantastic first half term!"

Oliver of 10HA who was nominated by his Year Leader and Form Tutor for, " having an excellent week in a range of subjects."

Cristiano of 11SC who was selected by his Year Leader and Form Tutor for "always working quietly and hard in his lessons."

Emerline of 12TD who was awarded Year 12 Academic SOTW for "making real progress with her French grammar and has done lots of work over the summer to develop herself.

Amelia of 12BB who was awarded Year 12 Community SOTW for her outstanding help with being involved in interviews

Holly of 13DA who was awarded Year 13 Academic SOTW for "her outstanding theatre theory work."

Niall of 13GC who was awarded Year 12 Community SOTW for "really stepping up and doing an amazing Personal Statement and also doing really well in music - a great motivator!"