Students of the Week w/c 14/10

Our outstanding students of the week this week are:

Shania of 7WD who was nominated by her Year Leader and Form Tutor for "getting involved in form time and extra curricular activities."

Berneen of 8ND whose Year Leader comments, "Berneen has been consistently working hard and is a great role model for the year group."

Amaia of 9BB whose Year Leader comments, "Amaia has had an excellent start to Year 9 and she is a great support to the other students in her tutor group."

Shay of 11WD whose Year Leader comments, "Shay has been nominated for his participation at open evening and also by his teachers who say he is doing exceptional work this year."

Genevieve of 12MF has been awarded the Academic SOTW for "working incredibly hard across the board."

Migle of 12LD has been awarded the Community SOTW for "being brilliant at Open

Rushil of 13HC has been awarded the Community SOTW for "being incredibly busy but giving up his time to help other students."

Rory of 13HB has been awarded the Academic SOTW for "working very hard and doing really well at the moment."