Our Students of the Week w/c 28/01

Our exemplary students of the week this week are:

Mae of 7ND who was nominated by her Year Leader and Form Tutor for, "her outstanding attitude to learning."

Dawn of 8AD who was selected by her Year Leader and Form Tutor for "being an all round lovely student."

Joseph of 9BF whose Year Leader comments, "Joseph quietly gets on with his work and is doing particularly well in Drama at the moment. Joseph had 100% attendance for the Autumn Term and makes valuable contributions in his SES sessions."

Kenan of 10WD who was chosen by his Year Leader and Form Tutor for, "his positive attitude and helpful disposition."

Abi of 11MB whose Year Leader comments, "Abi has shown a great improvement in her confidence within her maths lessons and has been praised for this by her teacher. She has also developed in confidence within tutor time."

Carmen of 12RA who was nominated by her Form Tutor for, "being such a hard worker and for her commitment and involvement in school life."
Roheen of 13DA who was chosen by her Form Tutor for "being really organised for her upcoming nursing interview."