Our Students of the Week 08/10/18
Our exemplary students of the week this week are:
Natasha of 7GA whose Year Leader comments, "Natasha has an excellent attitude to learning. Additionally she recently made an extra special effort to come to school when she wasn’t feeling well, showing her commitment to her learning at St Wilfrid's.
Lucas of 8HA whose Year Leader comments, "Lucas has made a really positive start to the Autumn term and is doing well in all of his subjects."
Nigel of 9BF who was nominated by his Year Leader and Form Tutor for, "his effort in each of his lessons and for taking on the role of House Sports Representative."
Charles of 10SC who was chosen by his Year Leader and Form Tutor for, "an excellent start to Year 10 with lots of achievement logs and positive praise."
Joanna of 11WC who was selected by her Year Leader and Form Tutor for "being an excellent role model her year group."
Helena of 12MF whose Form Tutor comments, "Helena has made a fantastic start to Year 12. She is pleasant, hard working and totally involved in the school community."
Mahad of 13DA who was nominated by his Form Tutor for, "being a hard working, polite and a vital component of the 13DA fire drill team."